Gazi University
Turkish Culture and Hacı Bektaş Veli Research and Application Center


18-2O October 2018 Ankara / Turkey

Accepted Paper For The 4th International Alevism And Bektashism Symposium

We can bring peace, trust, prosperity, happiness to individuals with healing values such as love, faith, order, harmony, balance, harmony, wisdom, and fondness that will create a virtuous society and secure our social perfection. We can build civilization of love, compassion and grace.

We can reproduce the system of peace and serenity of Hacı Bektaş, who expresses the message of unity and solidarity of the sentence with love, by combining the understanding of unity, “the hand to hand, hand to God” principle, the principle of submission with conscience with the strong philosophical backbone and rituals.

It is a known fact that the confusion of meaning destroys human values and destroys social balance. A society that has lost its national ideals and individuals who lost ethical aesthetic values become alienated from each other. The basic condition of being a subject is to have responsibility towards individuals and to contribute to the values that guide human beings. We can overcome conflicts and contradictions within ourselves by creating social theories and a firm model of society by creating an ideal society consciousness as the conscience of mankind without fighting and chaos.We can build a wonderful future by standing on our own self-values. With the knowledge of this geography we can raise our quality of life with the high deliberate reflection in the composition of the idea of "national formation", we can raise qualified people. Alevi Bektashi thought, which is filled with lore and wisdom, will contribute to philosophy of mind with the world of consciousness and spirit.

To accomplish these goals and contribute to the solution of the problems, we are organizing "4th International Alevism and Bektashism Symposium" on 18-20 October 2018 at Gazi University, Ankara. We invite all academics and field researchers to join our symposium.